
Configure Hyperlint

HyperLint offers a variety of configuration options. To customize settings, edit the .hyperlint/config.yaml file within your GitHub repository. Configuration syntax is in YAML format, and options may differ slightly depending on your subscription plan (e.g., Free, Starter, etc.).

Repository Configuration

Configurations are set on per repository basis to ensure that hyperlint behaves as expected.

Configuration are configured by creating a file in the repository at .hyperlint/config.yaml.

See an example in our demo repository repository.

Configuration properties


This is the root directory for content files. The default is / and, when you ask for a review, hyperlint will analyze every file in that pull request. If that file is of a supported type. Default: "/".


content_dir: /
content_dir: /content
content_dir: /docs


Professional / Enterprise only

This field specifies which users are allowed to trigger Hyperlint. To use it, provide a list of GitHub handles. If you would like any and all users to trigger Hyperlint, add '*' to the list. Default: ['*'].


  - octocat
  - octocat2
  - '*'
  - octocat

Example full configuration

Here's a full configuration that you can use as a starting point:

content_dir: /docs
  - octocat
  - octocat2