Fixes Broken Links
Remove pitfalls for users navigating your documentation.
Hyperlint's Hyperlint Automations can automatically identify broken internal links and create Pull Requests with working links.
How it works
Hyperlint's Hyperlint Automations performs the following steps:
Automations run in a depth-first manner to constrain changes to the same folder as much as possible.
Periodic Website Scan
The Hyperlint crawler will periodically scan your configured documentation website for broken internal links based on the frequency that you configure.
To minimize unnecessary web traffic, Hyperlint will always crawl your website according to the RFC 9111 web caching standards.
After the crawl is complete, it will move to the next phase: analyzing and fixing the broken links.
Broken Link Analysis and Fixes
Hyperlint will build an internal graph of your content and analyze the graph for broken internal links. The type of links that are currently supported are:
- HTML fragment links on the same page: for example a link on
with an href linking
or just#quickstart
- HTML fragment links between pages: for example a link on
with an href linking topath/to/
Other types of internal links and external links are not supported yet, refer to the limitations section below.
Once Hyperlint has identified the broken links, it will use an AI to fix them based on a graph of the crawled content. If no broken links are able to be identified or fixed, it will wait until the next scheduled time before checking again.
If changes are detected, the Hyperlint will continue to the next step.
Pull request creation
If Hyperlint is confident in the changes that it proposes, it will create a pull request with the suggested changes. This will be a pull request to your repository and default branch.
The pull request will contain detailed context about each broken link and the reasoning behind choosing the fixed version of the link. If, after your review, you'd like to accept the changes, you can merge the pull request. If not, just close it out!
Hyperlint cannot respond to changes on that pull request yet! You'll have to merge it manually.
Only internal HTML fragment anchor links are supported, as described in the Broken Link Analysis and Fixes section.
The following types of links are not supported yet:
- Links to non-existent internal pages: for example a link on
with an href linking
does not exist on your documentation website. - Links to external websites: for example to
. These links will be ignored by Hyperlint for now.
Additional options: Continuous Integration
Rather than crawling your documentation website after it has been deployed, Hyperlint can build your documentation from source and analyze it from there. This is the recommended approach for extremely large documentation websites over 2K pages.
How to get started
Reach out to [email protected] to get started with the Fixes Broken Links Hyperlint Automations.
Other Hyperlint Automations Tasks
Hyperlint also supports other Hyperlint Automations tasks, reach out to [email protected] if you'd like to learn more or ask about other monitors.