Command Line Monitor

Monitor changes to your CLIs.

Hyperlint Automations can monitor CLIs that your company produces for changes that might impact the documentation.

How it works

Hyperlint Automations aims to make maintaining CLI documentation trivial. It does this by performing several steps:


Hyperlint Automations works by monitoring the public commands of your CLIs and looking for changes in:

  1. The commands' descriptions
  2. The commands' arguments
  3. The commands' parameters

If no changes are detected, it will wait 24 hours before checking again.

If changes are detected, the process continues to the next step.

Issue creation

In some cases and during the preview period, Hyperlint will automatically create issues in your repository. It will create issues describing:

  1. The changes detected in the CLI
  2. A diff of the changes
  3. A suggestion on how to update the documentation to reflect the changes including the specific files and lines that might need to be updated.

Pull request creation

If Hyperlint is confident in the changes that it proposes, it will create a pull request with the suggested changes. This will be a pull request to your repository and default branch.

The pull request will contain the relevant information for you to be able to conduct a review. If, after your review, you'd like to accept the changes, you can merge the pull request. If not, just close it out!

How to get started

Reach out to [email protected] to get started with the CLI Monitor.

Other Maintenance Agent Tasks

Hyperlint also supports other maintenance agent tasks, reach out to [email protected] if you'd like to learn more or ask about other monitors.